Borago officinalis
— Borago officinalis

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Buy Wholesale Borage Herb Cut

Borago officinalis

Borage, otherwise known by its binomial name Borago officinalis (or alternative nickname ‘starflower’), is part of the Boraginaceae family. Despite being native to the Mediterranean, this distinctive herb can now be found across other parts of Europe, including the UK. Its striking purple flowers make it popular amongst gardeners, but the plant is thought to offer a number of health benefits too. To place a bulk order of cut borage herb, please enquire today using the form below.

Order Buy Wholesale Borage Herb Cut

How is it used?

Borage herb has long been used to create medicine; the leaves, the flowers and the oil contained within its seeds are all thought to offer health benefits, and have previously been used to treat a wide variety of ailments. For example, the leaves can be rubbed onto itchy skin to soothe the affected area. It’s thought that the flowers and leaves can help treat coughs and fevers, too.

Soothing nerves

Tea made from borage leaves may have a soothing effect on the central nervous system and may help those with nervous exhaustion. 

Borage may also help prevent nerve damage and transmit nerve impulses due to its silicon content. 

Naturally diuretic

Borage leaves can be naturally diuretic so they may increase the frequency and production of urine while also activating the kidneys and cleansing the system of excess fluids.

Historical uses of borage

Borage has been used historically as a culinary herb in wines and salads. In Victorian times, women used borage leaves and flowers in ‘claret cups’ which was a mixture of wine, brandy, water, fruits and sugar to boost the mood and stimulate the spirit. 

Your trustworthy borage herb wholesale supplier

At Joseph Flach & Sons we have over one hundred years of experience and our success is built upon the excellent customer service we offer as standard. We stock over 600 dried botanicals, herbs and spices and we also supply oils, tinctures and other compounds used to manufacture a vast array of finished products; including animal nutrition products; beers; spirits; cosmetics; teas; herbal and natural remedies; pharmaceuticals; and much more.

We only work with tried and trusted suppliers across the globe so we can ensure our range is of the highest quality.

We work with businesses of all sizes and in any location – around half of our business is with overseas customers and are adept at the export process.

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Our relationships with our people, our suppliers, our customers and our environment are ethically as well as commercially sound. Because most of our products are naturally grown materials, our support for sustainability is inherent; even our electricity supplier sources 90% of its supply from verified renewable sources.

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We supply high quality botanical raw materials in wholesale/bulk to businesses around the world. Take a look at the products and let us know what you are interested in, along with the desired quantity and delivery details. We'll then provide a bespoke quote.

    Please note we are a wholesaler.
    Our minimum order quantity is based on supply of multiple original whole bags (bags are typically 20 to 25kg per item).
    Our current minimum order value £300 in goods.