Horsetail Herb Chinese Cut
Equisetum hymale
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Form: Cut
Product description
Horsetail herb is a plant that has been used for its health and well being properties for centuries. The “Chinese cut” refers to a specific way of preparing the herb by cutting it into smaller pieces, making it easier to use in various herbal preparations such as teas, tinctures, or decoctions.
Horsetail, part of the Equisetaceae family, is common to wet ground and waste areas worldwide. The herb reaches 80 cm and has a hollow stem with whorls of branches and leaves at the stem nodes. It has a slight taste and odour.
Horsetail contains alkaloids, flavonoids, sterols including cholesterol, silicic acid and caffeic acid derivatives amongst other things. It is also sold in cut and powdered form.
How is it used?
Horsetail Herb Chinese Cut can be used in several ways, primarily as a herbal remedy. It can be incorporated into teas, tinctures, tablet form and topically. It is reported that Horsetail herb is beneficial for hair health and can be used as a rinse.
Historically horsetail has been used to treat genito-urinary complaints such as cystitis.
Natural products can cause side effects. Daphne mezereum should handled with care. As with any food product or herbal supplement, it is advisable to seek professional advice before newly incorporating into one’s routine or into a new product, especially for individuals who are susceptible to allergies, have other dietary issues, weakened immune systems or other health complications.
Important: Joseph Flach & Sons are not herbalists and are unable to offer advice on and are unable to attest to the efficacy or suitability of a material for use in a herbal remedy or as a product ingredient.
Where do we source this product from?
- Asia
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