Savory Herb Winter Cut
Satureia montana
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Form: Cut
Product description
Just like its sister herb, Savoury herb summer, Savoury herb winter is used both medicinally and in the kitchen – however, its sharp, pungent flavour means its use in dishes is more restricted. It is one of the traditional ingredients that has been used to flavour salami, and its strong scent also makes it ideal to repel insects.
Helpful herbs
This herb pairs particularly well with beans – in fact in Germany it is known as ‘bohenkraut’ which means the bean herb. Devotees believe that Savoury herb winter helps to counter the flatulence associated with eating beans.
When uncooked – for example when used in salads or thrown into cooked dishes at the last minute – it has a strong flavour. However, the longer it is cooked, the less potent its flavour becomes. The dried herb can be used to make a herbal tea, or added to chicken and turkey dishes.
In the medicine cabinet
Perhaps not unsurprisingly, Savoury herb winter bears many of the same medicinal actions as its Summer sister – though as with its flavour, its herbal powers are also thought to be stronger.
Just some of its believed properties are antiseptic, carminative, digestive, appetiser, anti-inflammatory and more. When blended into a tea it could help calm menstrual cramps and digestive issues thanks to its calming nature. It is also thought to help provide relief from coughs and colds, as well as stimulate the appetite.
Why order Savory Herb Winter Cut from Joseph Flach & Sons?
- Decades of experience with businesses of all sizes
- Excellent customer experience
- Order in bulk - perfect for large manufacturers
- Order from anywhere in the world with confidence
- Ethical in every way - most of our products are naturally grown materials
Important: Joseph Flach & Sons are not herbalists and are unable to offer advice on and are unable to attest to the efficacy or suitability of a material for use in a herbal remedy or as a product ingredient.
Where do we source this product from?
- Europe
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