Couchgrass Root Cut
Agropyron repens
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Form: Cut
Product description
Couchgrass root cut consists of the dried, chopped roots of the couchgrass plant, featuring a light brown colour and a fibrous texture. It has a mild, grassy aroma and taste and is odourless. Couchgrass is commonly found in temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and North America and derives from the Graminae family. The root contains polysaccharides, triterpenes, volatile oils and hydroxycinnamic acid esters. Cut couchgrass root is used in traditional herbal remedies for its believed diuretic, anti cholesteraemic and soothing properties, often included in teas and herbal remedies for urinary and respiratory health.
Natural products can cause side effects. As with any food product or herbal supplement, it is advisable to seek professional advice before newly incorporating into one’s routine or into a new product, especially for individuals who are susceptible to allergies, have other dietary issues, weakened immune systems or other health complications.
Important: Joseph Flach & Sons are not herbalists and are unable to offer advice on and are unable to attest to the efficacy or suitability of a material for use in a herbal remedy or as a product ingredient.
Where do we source this product from?
- Europe
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