Hops Whole
Humulus lupulus
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Form: Whole
Product description
Whole Hops refers to the dried, cone-like flowers of the hop plant, primarily known for their use in brewing beer. The flowers, part of the Cannabinaceae family, are green, cone-shaped flowers that are typically 1-4 cm in length. They have papery scales and contain yellow lupulin glands, which contribute to their bitter flavour and aromatic properties. Hops are native to Europe, Asia, and North America and are cultivated worldwide in temperate regions for their use in brewing and distilling.
Hops contain volatile oils, flavonoids such as chalcones, oleo-resin, tannins, lipids and phenolic acids.
How is it used?
Hops are primarily used as a key ingredient in brewing beer. They impart bitterness, flavour, and aroma to beer during the brewing process. The alpha acids within the hops is what gives the bitter taste and helps to stabilise beer. Hops have also been traditionally used in herbal remedies for various health benefits, though less commonly consumed in this form today. Hops are believed to have sedative and tranquillising properties. They also have uses within aromatherapy, used within herbal sachets to promote sleep.
Natural products can cause side effects. As with any food product or herbal supplement, it is advisable to seek professional advice before newly incorporating into one’s routine or into a new product, especially for individuals who are susceptible to allergies, have other dietary issues, weakened immune systems or other health complications.
Important: Joseph Flach & Sons are not herbalists and are unable to offer advice on and are unable to attest to the efficacy or suitability of a material for use in a herbal remedy or as a product ingredient.
Where do we source this product from?
- Europe
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