Agrimony Herb Powder
Agrimonia eupatoria: Agrimonia repens
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Form: Powder
Product description
Agrimony herb cut consists of the dried green stems and leaves of the agrimony plant, from the Rosaceae family, which has serrated edges, small yellow flowers and hairy green leaves with a silver-grey underside when fresh. Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa thriving in fields, meadows, and roadsides and flowering in July and August. It contains tannins, flavonoids, and volatile oils. Known also as church steeples, cocklebur or sticklewort/stickwork, agrimony is a thought to be a mild diuretic and has traditionally primarily been used in herbal teas, and for supporting liver and digestive health. It is commonly used teas, capsules, and topical applications and can also be bought in cut form.
Natural products can cause side effects. As with any food product or herbal supplement, it is advisable to seek professional advice before newly incorporating into one’s routine or into a new product, especially for individuals who are susceptible to allergies, have other dietary issues, weakened immune systems or other health complications.
Important: Joseph Flach & Sons are not herbalists and are unable to offer advice on and are unable to attest to the efficacy or suitability of a material for use in a herbal remedy or as a product ingredient.
Where do we source this product from?
- Europe
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